Asclepian Medicine: Beyond Ancient Philosophy

Working Hypothesis

Asclepian Medicine is not “real” medicine, it is more ancient story telling mixed with religion and philosophy.

Facts & Findings

Nowadays Medicine is highly fragmented. There is our modern “School” medicine, plant medicine, alternative medicine, and many, many more. Surgical interventions are a classical part of modern medicine. However, surgical interventions have been performed by Asclepius with documented good outcome. An example from old times:

Aristagora of Troizen. She had a tapeworm in her belly, and she slept in the Temple of Asclepius in Troezen and saw a dream. It seemed to her that the sons of the god, while he was not present but away in Epidaurus, cut off her head, but being unable to put it back again, they sent a messenger to Asclepius asking him to come. Meanwhile day breaks and the priest clearly sees her head cut off from the body. When night approached, Aristagora saw a vision. It seemed to her that the god had come from Epidaurus and fastened her head on to her neck. Then he cut open her belly, took the tapeworm out, and stitched her up. And after that she became well.

  • Readings:

Trepanation Practices in Asclepieia: Systematizing a Neurosurgical Innovation

The popularity of Asclepius and his sacred snake meant that people flocked to the temples hoping for miraculous remedies to a range of conditions. In his temples, various therapeutic practices were followed, including religious sacrifices, purifying baths, hydrotherapy, fasts, gymnastic exercises, massage, strengthening of the psyche, sleep therapy, hypnotism, fortune telling, spiritual exorcisms, therapeutic touch, detailed body examinations, surgical procedures, and distribution of herbal medicines.


The reports about Asclepian Medicine are not religious fantasy or ancient philosophy but are built on medical experience.

Modern Application

Nowadays surgical interventions are state of the art. There is no need to adopt old technologies. Thus, the Asclepian Medicine did not stop with surgery but included rehabilitation measures and follow-up procedures. Some of these measures, which are targeting a swift return to “Well-being”, may be worth a closer look.

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There are several reports from Egypt and Greece that the ancient surgeons flushed the operation field and wound with urine which was obtained from young men. Today we know that the early morning urine from healthy young men is the only biological liquid that contains no bacteria, a kind of sterile solution! How did they know?